5. Potential calculations

5.1 Presentation

Capture cross sections can be calculated within the potential-model formalism. Only electric multipoles are supported in this release. The formula for the cross section is given, for instance, in C. Angulo et al. , Nucl. Phys. A656 (1999) 3 (equation 19). Several partial wave can be included.

Final results can be used to compute the reaction rate.


5.2 Input data

At startup, the screen looks like:


The procedure is the following: 
a. Import a file with non-resonant cross sections, or download it from The NACRE server.

b. Enter parameters of the final state:

The energy of the final state can be checked at this stage. Before computing the rate you can fit the potential parameters.

c. Enter parameters of the intial state(s):

As usual, some selection rules must be taken into account.

5.3 Results

Before computing the cross section, you have to give the order of the multipole (electric) and the energies.

The phase shifts, the cross sections and the S-factors are then calculated.


5.4 Example: the 7Be(p,g)8B reaction

  1. Experimental data can be imported but this is not necessary (see the procedure described for R-matrix calculations).

  2. Enter Masses and charges, and number of points:
    Npoint=800 number of points
    h=0.2 step

  3. Enter data for the 8B ground state
    L=1 orbital angular momentum
    J=2 initial spin
    l=2 channel spin
    nr=0 number of nodes in the wave function
    Rc=2.39 Coulomb radius
    V0=-46.87 depth of the Woods-Saxon potential
    r0=2.39 range of the Woods-Saxon potential
    a=0.65 diffuseness

    Check that the ground-state energy is -0.136 MeV.

  4. Enter the parameters of the initial potentials (2 states: l=0 and l=2).

    V0=-46.87 depth of the Woods-Saxon potential
    r0=2.39 range of the Woods-Saxon potential
    a=0.65 diffuseness
    Li=0 and 2 orbital angular momentum
    Ji=2 initial spin
    Rc=2.39 Coulomb radius

    Note the the channel spin must be equal in the initial and final states. It is therefore given for the final state only.

  5. Enter the multipole and energies
    l=1 multipole
    Emin=0.1 first energy
    Emax=1.0 final energy
    Estep=0.1 energy step

  6. The resulting S-factor is given here. Try smaller values for Npoint (200 for example) to realize the sensitivity of the S-factor.