Université Libre de Bruxelles
Faculté des Sciences


You are cordially invited to attend the seminar entitled:

Structure and reactions of weakly bound nuclei in few-body models

presented by

Pedro Punta de la Herrán

The study of reactions involving weakly bound exotic nuclei is an active field due to advances in radioactive beam facilities. Many of these nuclei can be approximately described by a model consisting of an inert core and one or more valence nucleons. For some of these nuclei, the quadrupole deformation is especially relevant and should be included in the structure models. This is the case of 11Be and 17C which can be approximately described as a core and a weakly-bound neutron.

Different deformed two-body models are used to describe these nuclei, and the obtained wavefunctions are applied to transfer reactions, using as framework the Adiabatic Distorted Wave Approximation (ADWA). These few-body models can also be applied to study transfer to the continuum and breakup reactions. In our calculations, the continuum spectrum of the weakly bound nuclei is discretized using the transformed harmonic oscillator basis (THO).

jeudi 13 février 2025 at 11:00

Room 2N6-110 - Building NO, 6th floor
U.L.B. Campus Plaine
1050 Brussels